Uses of Interface

Packages that use CLConfig
org.jocl.cloth.utils.gui UI classes for selecting an OpenCL execution configuration 

Uses of CLConfig in org.jocl.cloth.utils.gui

Subinterfaces of CLConfig in org.jocl.cloth.utils.gui
 interface CLMutableConfig
          Interface for a mutable CLConfig

Classes in org.jocl.cloth.utils.gui that implement CLConfig
 class CLDefaultConfig
          Default implementation of a CLMutableConfig

Methods in org.jocl.cloth.utils.gui that return CLConfig
 CLConfig CLConfigPanel.getConfig()
          Returns the CLConfig this panel operates on

Methods in org.jocl.cloth.utils.gui with parameters of type CLConfig
 void CLConfigListener.configChanged(CLConfig clConfig)
          Will be called when the given CLConfig changed.