getAddressBits(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
The default compute device address space size bits
getAssociatedMemobject(cl_mem) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.MemInfos
The memory object specified as buffer argument to clCreateSubBuffer, or NULL
getAvailable(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Whether the device is available
getBinaries(cl_program) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.ProgramInfos
The sizes of the program binaries for each device.
getBinarySizes(cl_program) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.ProgramInfos
The sizes of the program binaries for each device.
getCommandEnd(cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.EventProfilingInfos
The device counter, in nanoseconds, when the command of the given event finished execution.
getCommandExecutionStatus(cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.EventInfos
The execution status of the command identified by event.
getCommandExecutionStatusString(cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.EventInfos
The execution status of the command identified by event, as a String
getCommandQueue(cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.EventInfos
The command-queue associated with event
getCommandQueued(cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.EventProfilingInfos
The device counter, in nanoseconds, when the command of the given event was queued.
getCommandStart(cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.EventProfilingInfos
The device counter, in nanoseconds, when the command of the given event started execution.
getCommandSubmit(cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.EventProfilingInfos
The device counter, in nanoseconds, when the command of the given event was submitted.
getCommandType(cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.EventInfos
The command associated with event
getCommandTypeString(cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.EventInfos
The command associated with event, as a String
getCompilerAvailable(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Whether the implementation does have a compiler
getContext(cl_command_queue) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.CommandQueueInfos
The context that this command queue belongs to
getContext(cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.EventInfos
The context that this event belongs to
getContext(cl_kernel) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.KernelInfos
The context that this kernel belongs to
getContext(cl_mem) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.MemInfos
The context that this memory object belongs to
getContext(cl_program) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.ProgramInfos
The context of the program.
getDevice(cl_command_queue) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.CommandQueueInfos
The device that this command queue belongs to
getDevices(cl_context) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.ContextInfos
The devices associated with the context.
getDevices(cl_platform_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.Devices
Returns an unmodifiable (possibly empty) list of all devices of the given platform.
getDevices(cl_platform_id, long) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.Devices
Returns an unmodifiable (possibly empty) list of all devices of the given platform that match the specified device type.
getDevices(cl_program) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.ProgramInfos
The devices associated with the program.
getDeviceVersion(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
OpenCL version string
getDriverVersion(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
OpenCL software driver version string
getEndianLittle(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Whether the OpenCL device is a little endian device
getErrorCorrectionSupport(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Whether the device implements error correction
getExecutionCapabilities(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Describes the execution capabilities of the device
getExecutionCapabilitiesString(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Describes the execution capabilities of the device as a String
getExtensions(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
A space-separated list of extension names
getExtensions(cl_platform_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.PlatformInfos
A space-separated list of extension names
getFlags(cl_mem) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.MemInfos
The flags specified when the memory object was created
getFlagsString(cl_mem) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.MemInfos
The flags specified when the memory object was created
getFunctionName(cl_kernel) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.KernelInfos
The kernel function name.
getGlobalMemCachelineSize(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Size of global memory cache line in bytes
getGlobalMemCacheSize(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Size of global memory cache in bytes
getGlobalMemCacheType(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Type of global memory cache supported
getGlobalMemSize(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Size of global device memory in bytes
getHostPtr(cl_mem) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.MemInfos
The host pointer specified when the memory object was created.
getHostUnifiedMemory(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Whether device and host have a unified memory subsystem
getImage2dMaxHeight(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Max height of 2D image in pixels
getImage2dMaxWidth(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Max width of 2D image in pixels
getImage3dMaxDepth(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Max depth of 3D image in pixels
getImage3dMaxHeight(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Max height of 3D image in pixels
getImage3dMaxWidth(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Max width of 3D image in pixels
getImageSupport(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Whether images are supported by the OpenCL device
getLocalMemSize(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Size of local memory arena in bytes
getLocalMemType(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Type of local memory supported
getLocalMemTypeString(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Type of local memory supported as a String
getMapCount(cl_mem) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.MemInfos
The map count - only provided for debugging.
getMaxClockFrequency(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Maximum configured clock frequency in MHz
getMaxComputeUnits(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
The number of parallel compute cores
getMaxConstantArgs(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Max number of __constant kernel arguments
getMaxConstantBufferSize(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Max size in bytes of a constant buffer allocation
getMaxMemAllocSize(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Max size of memory object allocation in bytes
getMaxParameterSize(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Max size in bytes of the kernel arguments
getMaxReadImageArgs(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Max number of simultaneous image objects that can be read by a kernel
getMaxSamplers(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Maximum number of samplers that can be used in a kernel
getMaxWorkGroupSize(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Maximum number of work-items in a work-group
getMaxWorkItemDimensions(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Maximum dimensions that specify the global and local work-item IDs
getMaxWorkItemSizes(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Maximum number of work-items for each dimension
getMaxWriteImageArgs(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Max number of simultaneous image objects that can be written to by a kernel
getMemBaseAddrAlign(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Describes the alignment in bits of memory objects
getMinDataTypeAlignSize(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
The smallest alignment in bytes which can be used for any data type
getName(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Device name string
getName(cl_platform_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.PlatformInfos
Platform name string
getNativeVectorWidthChar(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Native ISA vector width (char)
getNativeVectorWidthDouble(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Native ISA vector width (double)
getNativeVectorWidthFloat(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Native ISA vector width (float)
getNativeVectorWidthHalf(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Native ISA vector width (half)
getNativeVectorWidthInt(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Native ISA vector width (int)
getNativeVectorWidthLong(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Native ISA vector width (long)
getNativeVectorWidthShort(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Native ISA vector width (short)
getNumArgs(cl_kernel) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.KernelInfos
The number of arguments
getNumDevices(cl_context) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.ContextInfos
The number of devices associated with the context.
getNumDevices(cl_program) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.ProgramInfos
The number of devices associated with the program.
getOffset(cl_mem) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.MemInfos
If the memory object is a sub-buffer, this is its offset, otherwise it is 0
getOpenclCVersion(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
The highest OpenCL C version supported by the compiler
getPlatforms() - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.Platforms
Returns an unmodifiable list of all available platforms
getPreferredVectorWidthChar(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Preferred native vector width (char)
getPreferredVectorWidthDouble(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Preferred native vector width (double)
getPreferredVectorWidthFloat(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Preferred native vector width (float)
getPreferredVectorWidthHalf(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Preferred native vector width (half)
getPreferredVectorWidthInt(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Preferred native vector width (int)
getPreferredVectorWidthLong(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Preferred native vector width (long)
getPreferredVectorWidthShort(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Preferred native vector width (short)
getProfile(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
OpenCL profile string
getProfile(cl_platform_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.PlatformInfos
The profile name supported by the implementation
getProfilingTimerResolution(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
The resolution of device timer in nanoseconds
getProgram(cl_kernel) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.KernelInfos
The program that this kernel belongs to
getProperties(cl_command_queue) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.CommandQueueInfos
The properties of the command queue.
getProperties(cl_context) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.ContextInfos
The properties of the context.
getPropertiesString(cl_command_queue) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.CommandQueueInfos
The properties of the command queue, as a String
getPropertiesStrings(cl_context) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.ContextInfos
The properties of the context, as Strings.
getQueueProperties(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
The supported command-queue properties
getQueuePropertiesString(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
The supported command-queue properties as a String
getReferenceCount(cl_command_queue) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.CommandQueueInfos
The reference count.
getReferenceCount(cl_context) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.ContextInfos
The reference count.
getReferenceCount(cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.EventInfos
The reference count.
getReferenceCount(cl_kernel) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.KernelInfos
The reference count - only provided for identifying memory leaks.
getReferenceCount(cl_mem) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.MemInfos
The reference count - only provided for identifying memory leaks.
getReferenceCount(cl_program) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.ProgramInfos
The reference count.
getSingleFpConfig(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Single precision floating-point capability
getSingleFpConfigString(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Single precision floating-point capability as a String
getSize(cl_mem) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.MemInfos
Size of the memory object in bytes
getSource(cl_program) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.ProgramInfos
The program source code
getType(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
The OpenCL device type
getType(cl_mem) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.MemInfos
The type of the memory object
getTypeString(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
The OpenCL device type as a String
getTypeString(cl_mem) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.MemInfos
The type of the memory object as a String
getVendor(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
Vendor name string
getVendor(cl_platform_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.PlatformInfos
Platform vendor string
getVendorId(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.DeviceInfos
A unique device vendor identifier
getVersion(cl_platform_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.utils.PlatformInfos
OpenCL version string