- CL - Class in org.jocl
JOCL - Java bindings for OpenCL.
- CL.LogLevel - Enum in org.jocl
The log levels which may be used to control the internal
logging of the native JOCL library
- CL_A - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_ABGR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_ADDRESS_CLAMP - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_ADDRESS_CLAMP_TO_EDGE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_ADDRESS_MIRRORED_REPEAT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_ADDRESS_NONE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_ADDRESS_REPEAT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_ARGB - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_BGRA - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_BLOCKING - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_BUFFER_CREATE_TYPE_REGION - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_buffer_region - Class in org.jocl
Java port of a cl_buffer_region
- cl_buffer_region() - Constructor for class org.jocl.cl_buffer_region
Creates a new, uninitialized cl_buffer_region
- cl_buffer_region(long, long) - Constructor for class org.jocl.cl_buffer_region
Creates a new cl_buffer_region with the given
origin and size
- CL_BUILD_ERROR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_BUILD_IN_PROGRESS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_BUILD_NONE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_BUILD_SUCCESS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_CGL_SHAREGROUP_KHR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_char - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_char, in bytes.
- cl_char16 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_char16, in bytes
- cl_char2 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_char2, in bytes
- cl_char4 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_char4, in bytes
- cl_char8 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_char8, in bytes
- CL_CHAR_BIT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_CHAR_MAX - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_CHAR_MIN - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_ACQUIRE_GL_OBJECTS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_BARRIER - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_COPY_BUFFER - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_COPY_BUFFER_RECT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_COPY_BUFFER_TO_IMAGE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_COPY_IMAGE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_COPY_IMAGE_TO_BUFFER - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_FILL_BUFFER - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_FILL_IMAGE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_MAP_BUFFER - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_MAP_IMAGE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_MARKER - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_MIGRATE_MEM_OBJECTS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_NATIVE_KERNEL - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_NDRANGE_KERNEL - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_command_queue - Class in org.jocl
Java port of a cl_command_queue.
- cl_command_queue() - Constructor for class org.jocl.cl_command_queue
Creates a new, uninitialized cl_command_queue
- cl_command_queue - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_command_queue, in bytes
- CL_COMMAND_READ_BUFFER - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_READ_BUFFER_RECT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_READ_IMAGE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_RELEASE_GL_OBJECTS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_SVM_FREE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_SVM_MAP - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_SVM_MEMCPY - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_SVM_MEMFILL - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_SVM_UNMAP - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_TASK - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_UNMAP_MEM_OBJECT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_USER - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_WRITE_BUFFER - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_WRITE_BUFFER_RECT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMMAND_WRITE_IMAGE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMPILE_PROGRAM_FAILURE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMPILER_NOT_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_COMPLETE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_context - Class in org.jocl
Java port of a cl_context.
- cl_context() - Constructor for class org.jocl.cl_context
Creates a new, uninitialized cl_context
- cl_context - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_context, in bytes
- CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_CONTEXT_INTEROP_USER_SYNC - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_CONTEXT_NUM_DEVICES - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_CONTEXT_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_context_properties - Class in org.jocl
Java port of cl_context_properties.
- cl_context_properties() - Constructor for class org.jocl.cl_context_properties
Creates new, empty cl_context_properties
- CL_CONTEXT_REFERENCE_COUNT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_CURRENT_DEVICE_FOR_GL_CONTEXT_KHR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DBL_DIG - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DBL_EPSILON - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DBL_MANT_DIG - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DBL_MAX - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DBL_MAX_10_EXP - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DBL_MAX_EXP - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DBL_MIN - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DBL_MIN_10_EXP - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DBL_MIN_EXP - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DBL_RADIX - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEPTH - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEPTH_STENCIL - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_ADDRESS_32_BITS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_ADDRESS_64_BITS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BITS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_AFFINITY_DOMAIN_L1_CACHE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_AFFINITY_DOMAIN_L2_CACHE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_AFFINITY_DOMAIN_L3_CACHE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_AFFINITY_DOMAIN_L4_CACHE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_AFFINITY_DOMAIN_NEXT_PARTITIONABLE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_AFFINITY_DOMAIN_NUMA - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_BUILT_IN_KERNELS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_COMPILER_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_DOUBLE_FP_CONFIG - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_ENDIAN_LITTLE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_ERROR_CORRECTION_SUPPORT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_EXECUTION_CAPABILITIES - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_CACHE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_CACHE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_CACHELINE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_PREFERRED_TOTAL_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_HALF_FP_CONFIG - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_HOST_UNIFIED_MEMORY - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_device_id - Class in org.jocl
Java port of a cl_device_id.
- cl_device_id() - Constructor for class org.jocl.cl_device_id
Creates a new, uninitialized cl_device_id
- cl_device_id - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_device_id, in bytes
- CL_DEVICE_IMAGE2D_MAX_HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_IMAGE2D_MAX_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_IMAGE3D_MAX_DEPTH - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_IMAGE3D_MAX_HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_IMAGE3D_MAX_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_IMAGE_BASE_ADDRESS_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_IMAGE_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_IMAGE_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_IMAGE_PITCH_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_IMAGE_SUPPORT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_LINKER_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_TYPE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_MAX_CLOCK_FREQUENCY - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_MAX_CONSTANT_ARGS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_MAX_CONSTANT_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_MAX_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_MAX_ON_DEVICE_EVENTS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_MAX_ON_DEVICE_QUEUES - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_MAX_PARAMETER_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_MAX_PIPE_ARGS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_MAX_READ_IMAGE_ARGS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_MAX_READ_WRITE_IMAGE_ARGS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_MAX_SAMPLERS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_DIMENSIONS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_MAX_WRITE_IMAGE_ARGS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_MEM_BASE_ADDR_ALIGN - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_MIN_DATA_TYPE_ALIGN_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_NAME - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH_CHAR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH_DOUBLE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH_FLOAT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH_HALF - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH_INT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH_LONG - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH_SHORT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_OPENCL_C_VERSION - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PARENT_DEVICE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PARTITION_AFFINITY_DOMAIN - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PARTITION_BY_AFFINITY_DOMAIN - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PARTITION_BY_COUNTS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PARTITION_BY_COUNTS_LIST_END - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PARTITION_EQUALLY - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PARTITION_FAILED - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PARTITION_MAX_SUB_DEVICES - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PARTITION_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_device_partition_property - Class in org.jocl
Java port of cl_device_partition_property.
- cl_device_partition_property() - Constructor for class org.jocl.cl_device_partition_property
Creates new, empty cl_device_partition_property
- CL_DEVICE_PARTITION_TYPE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PIPE_MAX_ACTIVE_RESERVATIONS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PIPE_MAX_PACKET_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PLATFORM - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_GLOBAL_ATOMIC_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_INTEROP_USER_SYNC - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_LOCAL_ATOMIC_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_PLATFORM_ATOMIC_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_CHAR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_DOUBLE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_FLOAT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_HALF - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_INT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_LONG - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_SHORT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PRINTF_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PROFILE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_PROFILING_TIMER_RESOLUTION - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_QUEUE_ON_DEVICE_MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_QUEUE_ON_DEVICE_PREFERRED_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_QUEUE_ON_DEVICE_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_QUEUE_ON_HOST_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_QUEUE_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_REFERENCE_COUNT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_SINGLE_FP_CONFIG - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_SVM_ATOMICS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_SVM_CAPABILITIES - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_SVM_COARSE_GRAIN_BUFFER - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_SVM_FINE_GRAIN_BUFFER - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_SVM_FINE_GRAIN_SYSTEM - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CUSTOM - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_VENDOR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_VENDOR_ID - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICE_VERSION - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_DEVICES_FOR_GL_CONTEXT_KHR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_double - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_double, in bytes.
- cl_double16 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_double16, in bytes
- cl_double2 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_double2, in bytes
- cl_double4 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_double4, in bytes
- cl_double8 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_double8, in bytes
- CL_DRIVER_VERSION - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_EGL_DISPLAY_KHR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_event - Class in org.jocl
Java port of a cl_event.
- cl_event() - Constructor for class org.jocl.cl_event
Creates a new, uninitialized cl_event
- cl_event - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_event, in bytes
- CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_EVENT_COMMAND_QUEUE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_EVENT_COMMAND_TYPE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_EVENT_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_EVENT_REFERENCE_COUNT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_EXEC_KERNEL - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_EXEC_NATIVE_KERNEL - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_FALSE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_FILTER_LINEAR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_FILTER_NEAREST - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_FLOAT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_float - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_float, in bytes.
- cl_float16 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_float16, in bytes
- cl_float2 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_float2, in bytes
- cl_float4 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_float4, in bytes
- cl_float8 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_float8, in bytes
- CL_FLT_DIG - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_FLT_EPSILON - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_FLT_MANT_DIG - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_FLT_MAX - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_FLT_MAX_10_EXP - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_FLT_MAX_EXP - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_FLT_MIN - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_FLT_MIN_10_EXP - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_FLT_MIN_EXP - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_FLT_RADIX - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_FP_CORRECTLY_ROUNDED_DIVIDE_SQRT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_FP_DENORM - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_FP_FMA - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_FP_INF_NAN - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_FP_ROUND_TO_INF - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_FP_ROUND_TO_NEAREST - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_FP_ROUND_TO_ZERO - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_FP_SOFT_FLOAT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_GL_CONTEXT_KHR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_GL_MIPMAP_LEVEL - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_GL_NUM_SAMPLES - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_GL_OBJECT_BUFFER - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_GL_OBJECT_RENDERBUFFER - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_GL_OBJECT_TEXTURE1D - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_GL_OBJECT_TEXTURE1D_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_GL_OBJECT_TEXTURE2D - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_GL_OBJECT_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_GL_OBJECT_TEXTURE3D - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_GL_OBJECT_TEXTURE_BUFFER - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_GL_TEXTURE_TARGET - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_GLOBAL - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_GLX_DISPLAY_KHR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_half - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_half, in bytes.
- CL_HALF_FLOAT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_IMAGE_ARRAY_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_IMAGE_BUFFER - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_IMAGE_DEPTH - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_image_desc - Class in org.jocl
Java port of a cl_image_desc
- cl_image_desc() - Constructor for class org.jocl.cl_image_desc
Creates a new, uninitialized cl_image_desc
- CL_IMAGE_ELEMENT_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_IMAGE_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_image_format - Class in org.jocl
Java port of a cl_image_format
- cl_image_format() - Constructor for class org.jocl.cl_image_format
Creates a new, uninitialized cl_image_format
- CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_MISMATCH - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_IMAGE_HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_IMAGE_NUM_MIP_LEVELS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_IMAGE_NUM_SAMPLES - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_IMAGE_ROW_PITCH - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_IMAGE_SLICE_PITCH - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_IMAGE_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_int - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_int, in bytes.
- cl_int16 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_int16, in bytes
- cl_int2 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_int2, in bytes
- cl_int4 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_int4, in bytes
- cl_int8 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_int8, in bytes
- CL_INT_MAX - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INT_MIN - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INTENSITY - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_ARG_INDEX - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_ARG_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_ARG_VALUE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_BINARY - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_BUILD_OPTIONS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_COMPILER_OPTIONS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_DEVICE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_DEVICE_PARTITION_COUNT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_DEVICE_QUEUE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_DEVICE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_EVENT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_GL_OBJECT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_GL_SHAREGROUP_REFERENCE_KHR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_GLOBAL_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_GLOBAL_WORK_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_HOST_PTR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_IMAGE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_KERNEL - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_KERNEL_ARGS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_KERNEL_DEFINITION - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_KERNEL_NAME - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_LINKER_OPTIONS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_MIP_LEVEL - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_OPERATION - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_PIPE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_PLATFORM - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_PROGRAM - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_PROGRAM_EXECUTABLE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_QUEUE_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_SAMPLER - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_VALUE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_WORK_DIMENSION - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_WORK_GROUP_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_INVALID_WORK_ITEM_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_JOCL_INTERNAL_ERROR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_kernel - Class in org.jocl
Java port of a cl_kernel.
- cl_kernel() - Constructor for class org.jocl.cl_kernel
Creates a new, uninitialized cl_kernel
- cl_kernel - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_kernel, in bytes
- CL_KERNEL_ARG_ACCESS_NONE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_ARG_ACCESS_QUALIFIER - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_ARG_ACCESS_READ_ONLY - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_ARG_ACCESS_READ_WRITE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_ARG_ACCESS_WRITE_ONLY - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_ARG_ADDRESS_CONSTANT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_ARG_ADDRESS_GLOBAL - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_ARG_ADDRESS_LOCAL - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_ARG_ADDRESS_PRIVATE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_ARG_ADDRESS_QUALIFIER - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_ARG_INFO_NOT_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_ARG_NAME - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_ARG_TYPE_CONST - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_ARG_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_ARG_TYPE_NONE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_ARG_TYPE_PIPE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_ARG_TYPE_QUALIFIER - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_ARG_TYPE_RESTRICT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_ARG_TYPE_VOLATILE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_COMPILE_WORK_GROUP_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_EXEC_INFO_SVM_FINE_GRAIN_SYSTEM - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_EXEC_INFO_SVM_PTRS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_FUNCTION_NAME - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_GLOBAL_WORK_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_NUM_ARGS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_PREFERRED_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_MULTIPLE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_PRIVATE_MEM_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_PROGRAM - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_REFERENCE_COUNT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_LINK_PROGRAM_FAILURE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_LINKER_NOT_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_LOCAL - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_long - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_long, in bytes.
- cl_long16 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_long16, in bytes
- cl_long2 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_long2, in bytes
- cl_long4 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_long4, in bytes
- cl_long8 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_long8, in bytes
- CL_LONG_MAX - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_LONG_MIN - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_LUMINANCE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MAP_FAILURE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MAP_READ - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MAP_WRITE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MAP_WRITE_INVALIDATE_REGION - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_mem - Class in org.jocl
Java port of a cl_mem.
- cl_mem() - Constructor for class org.jocl.cl_mem
Creates a new, uninitialized cl_mem
- cl_mem - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_mem, in bytes
- CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_ASSOCIATED_MEMOBJECT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_COPY_OVERLAP - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_FLAGS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_HOST_PTR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_HOST_READ_ONLY - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_HOST_WRITE_ONLY - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_MAP_COUNT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_OBJECT_BUFFER - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE1D - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE1D_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE1D_BUFFER - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE3D - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_OBJECT_PIPE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_READ_ONLY - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_READ_WRITE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_REFERENCE_COUNT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_SVM_ATOMICS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_SVM_FINE_GRAIN_BUFFER - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_TYPE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_USES_SVM_POINTER - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MIGRATE_MEM_OBJECT_CONTENT_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MIGRATE_MEM_OBJECT_HOST - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_NON_BLOCKING - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_NONE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PIPE_MAX_PACKETS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PIPE_PACKET_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_pipe_properties - Class in org.jocl
Java port of cl_pipe_properties.
- cl_pipe_properties() - Constructor for class org.jocl.cl_pipe_properties
Creates new, empty cl_pipe_properties
- CL_PLATFORM_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PLATFORM_ICD_SUFFIX_KHR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_platform_id - Class in org.jocl
Java port of a cl_platform_id.
- cl_platform_id() - Constructor for class org.jocl.cl_platform_id
Creates a new, uninitialized cl_platform_id
- cl_platform_id - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_platform_id, in bytes
- CL_PLATFORM_NAME - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PLATFORM_NOT_FOUND_KHR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PLATFORM_PROFILE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PLATFORM_VERSION - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_COMPLETE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_QUEUED - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_START - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_SUBMIT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PROFILING_INFO_NOT_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_program - Class in org.jocl
Java port of a cl_program.
- cl_program() - Constructor for class org.jocl.cl_program
Creates a new, uninitialized cl_program
- cl_program - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_program, in bytes
- CL_PROGRAM_BINARIES - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_TYPE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_TYPE_COMPILED_OBJECT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_TYPE_EXECUTABLE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_TYPE_LIBRARY - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_TYPE_NONE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_TOTAL_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_OPTIONS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_STATUS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PROGRAM_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PROGRAM_DEVICES - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PROGRAM_KERNEL_NAMES - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PROGRAM_NUM_DEVICES - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PROGRAM_NUM_KERNELS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PROGRAM_REFERENCE_COUNT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_PROGRAM_SOURCE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_QUEUE_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_QUEUE_DEVICE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_QUEUE_ON_DEVICE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_QUEUE_ON_DEVICE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_QUEUE_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_queue_properties - Class in org.jocl
Java port of cl_queue_properties.
- cl_queue_properties() - Constructor for class org.jocl.cl_queue_properties
Creates new, empty cl_queue_properties
- CL_QUEUE_REFERENCE_COUNT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_QUEUE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_QUEUED - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_R - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_RA - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_READ_ONLY_CACHE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_READ_WRITE_CACHE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_RG - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_RGB - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_RGBA - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_RGBx - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_RGx - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_RUNNING - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_Rx - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_sampler - Class in org.jocl
Java port of a cl_sampler.
- cl_sampler() - Constructor for class org.jocl.cl_sampler
Creates a new, uninitialized cl_sampler
- cl_sampler - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_sampler, in bytes
- CL_SAMPLER_ADDRESSING_MODE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_SAMPLER_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_SAMPLER_FILTER_MODE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_SAMPLER_LOD_MAX - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_SAMPLER_LOD_MIN - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_SAMPLER_MIP_FILTER_MODE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_SAMPLER_NORMALIZED_COORDS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_sampler_properties - Class in org.jocl
Java port of cl_sampler_properties.
- cl_sampler_properties() - Constructor for class org.jocl.cl_sampler_properties
Creates new, empty cl_sampler_properties
- CL_SAMPLER_REFERENCE_COUNT - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_sBGRA - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_SCHAR_MAX - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_SCHAR_MIN - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_short - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_short, in bytes.
- cl_short16 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_short16, in bytes
- cl_short2 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_short2, in bytes
- cl_short4 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_short4, in bytes
- cl_short8 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_short8, in bytes
- CL_SHRT_MAX - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_SHRT_MIN - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_SIGNED_INT16 - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_SIGNED_INT32 - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_SIGNED_INT8 - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_SNORM_INT16 - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_SNORM_INT8 - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_sRGB - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_sRGBA - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_sRGBx - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_SUBMITTED - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_SUCCESS - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_TRUE - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_uchar - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_uchar, in bytes.
- cl_uchar16 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_uchar16, in bytes
- cl_uchar2 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_uchar2, in bytes
- cl_uchar4 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_uchar4, in bytes
- cl_uchar8 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_uchar8, in bytes
- CL_UCHAR_MAX - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_uint - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_uint, in bytes.
- cl_uint16 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_uint16, in bytes
- cl_uint2 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_uint2, in bytes
- cl_uint4 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_uint4, in bytes
- cl_uint8 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_uint8, in bytes
- CL_UINT_MAX - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_ulong - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_ulong, in bytes.
- cl_ulong16 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_ulong16, in bytes
- cl_ulong2 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_ulong2, in bytes
- cl_ulong4 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_ulong4, in bytes
- cl_ulong8 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_ulong8, in bytes
- CL_ULONG_MAX - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_UNORM_INT16 - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_UNORM_INT24 - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_UNORM_INT8 - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_UNORM_INT_101010 - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_UNORM_SHORT_555 - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_UNORM_SHORT_565 - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_UNSIGNED_INT16 - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_UNSIGNED_INT32 - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_UNSIGNED_INT8 - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- cl_ushort - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_ushort, in bytes.
- cl_ushort16 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_ushort16, in bytes
- cl_ushort2 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_ushort2, in bytes
- cl_ushort4 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_ushort4, in bytes
- cl_ushort8 - Static variable in class org.jocl.Sizeof
Size of a cl_ushort8, in bytes
- CL_USHRT_MAX - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- CL_WGL_HDC_KHR - Static variable in class org.jocl.CL
- clBuildProgram(cl_program, int, cl_device_id[], String, BuildProgramFunction, Object) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Builds (compiles and links) a program executable from the program source or binary.
- clCompileProgram(cl_program, int, cl_device_id[], String, int, cl_program[], String[], BuildProgramFunction, Object) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Compiles a programs source for all the devices or a specific device(s) in the OpenCL context
associated with program
- clCreateBuffer(cl_context, long, long, Pointer, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Creates a buffer object.
- clCreateCommandQueue(cl_context, cl_device_id, long, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
- clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties(cl_context, cl_device_id, cl_queue_properties, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Create a host or device command-queue on a specific device.
- clCreateContext(cl_context_properties, int, cl_device_id[], CreateContextFunction, Object, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Creates an OpenCL context.
- clCreateContextFromType(cl_context_properties, long, CreateContextFunction, Object, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Create an OpenCL context from a device type that identifies the specific device(s) to use.
- clCreateFromGLBuffer(cl_context, long, int, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Creates an OpenCL buffer object from an OpenGL buffer object.
- clCreateFromGLRenderbuffer(cl_context, long, int, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Creates an OpenCL 2D image object from an OpenGL renderbuffer object.
- clCreateFromGLTexture(cl_context, long, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Creates an OpenCL image object, image array object, or image buffer object from an OpenGL texture object,
texture array object, texture buffer object, or a single face of an OpenGL cubemap texture object.
- clCreateFromGLTexture2D(cl_context, long, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
- clCreateFromGLTexture3D(cl_context, long, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
- clCreateImage(cl_context, long, cl_image_format, cl_image_desc, Pointer, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Creates a 1D image, 1D image buffer, 1D image array, 2D image, 2D image array or 3D image object.
- clCreateImage2D(cl_context, long, cl_image_format[], long, long, long, Pointer, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
- clCreateImage3D(cl_context, long, cl_image_format[], long, long, long, long, long, Pointer, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
- clCreateKernel(cl_program, String, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Creates a kernal object.
- clCreateKernelsInProgram(cl_program, int, cl_kernel[], int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Creates kernel objects for all kernel functions in a program object.
- clCreatePipe(cl_context, long, int, int, cl_pipe_properties, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Creates a pipe object.
- clCreateProgramWithBinary(cl_context, int, cl_device_id[], long[], byte[][], int[], int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Creates a program object for a context, and loads the binary bits specified by
binary into the program object.
- clCreateProgramWithBuiltInKernels(cl_context, int, cl_device_id[], String, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Creates a program object for a context, and loads the information related to the built-in kernels
into a program object.
- clCreateProgramWithSource(cl_context, int, String[], long[], int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Creates a program object for a context, and loads the source code specified by the text strings in
the strings
array into the program object.
- clCreateSampler(cl_context, boolean, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
- clCreateSamplerWithProperties(cl_context, cl_sampler_properties, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Creates a sampler object.
- clCreateSubBuffer(cl_mem, long, int, Pointer, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
- clCreateSubBuffer(cl_mem, long, int, cl_buffer_region, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Creates a buffer object (referred to as a sub-buffer object) from an existing buffer object.
- clCreateSubDevices(cl_device_id, cl_device_partition_property, int, cl_device_id[], int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Creates an array of sub-devices that each reference a non-intersecting set of compute units within in_device
- clCreateUserEvent(cl_context, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Creates a user event object.
- clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects(cl_command_queue, int, cl_mem[], int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Acquire OpenCL memory objects that have been created from OpenGL objects.
- clEnqueueBarrier(cl_command_queue) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
- clEnqueueBarrierWithWaitList(cl_command_queue, int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
A synchronization point that enqueues a barrier operation.
- clEnqueueCopyBuffer(cl_command_queue, cl_mem, cl_mem, long, long, long, int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueues a command to copy from one buffer object to another.
- clEnqueueCopyBufferRect(cl_command_queue, cl_mem, cl_mem, long[], long[], long[], long, long, long, long, int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueues a command to copy a rectangular region from the buffer object to another buffer object.
- clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage(cl_command_queue, cl_mem, cl_mem, long, long[], long[], int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueues a command to copy a buffer object to an image object.
- clEnqueueCopyImage(cl_command_queue, cl_mem, cl_mem, long[], long[], long[], int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueues a command to copy image objects.
- clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer(cl_command_queue, cl_mem, cl_mem, long[], long[], long, int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueues a command to copy an image object to a buffer object.
- clEnqueueFillBuffer(cl_command_queue, cl_mem, Pointer, long, long, long, int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueues a command to fill a buffer object with a pattern of a given pattern size.
- clEnqueueFillImage(cl_command_queue, cl_mem, Pointer, long[], long[], int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueues a command to fill an image object with a specified color.
- clEnqueueMapBuffer(cl_command_queue, cl_mem, boolean, long, long, long, int, cl_event[], cl_event, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueues a command to map a region of the buffer object given by buffer
into the host address space and returns a pointer to this mapped region.
- clEnqueueMapImage(cl_command_queue, cl_mem, boolean, long, long[], long[], long[], long[], int, cl_event[], cl_event, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueues a command to map a region of an image object into the host address
space and returns a pointer to this mapped region.
- clEnqueueMarker(cl_command_queue, cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
- clEnqueueMarkerWithWaitList(cl_command_queue, int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueues a marker command which waits for either a list of events to complete,
or all previously enqueued commands to complete.
- clEnqueueMigrateMemObjects(cl_command_queue, int, cl_mem[], long, int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueues a command to indicate which device a set of memory objects should be associated with.
- clEnqueueNativeKernel(cl_command_queue, EnqueueNativeKernelFunction, Object, long, int, cl_mem[], Pointer[], int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueues a command to execute a native C/C++ function not compiled using the OpenCL compiler.
- clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(cl_command_queue, cl_kernel, int, long[], long[], long[], int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueues a command to execute a kernel on a device.
- clEnqueueReadBuffer(cl_command_queue, cl_mem, boolean, long, long, Pointer, int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueue commands to read from a buffer object to host memory.
- clEnqueueReadBufferRect(cl_command_queue, cl_mem, boolean, long[], long[], long[], long, long, long, long, Pointer, int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueue commands to read from a rectangular region from a buffer object to host memory.
- clEnqueueReadImage(cl_command_queue, cl_mem, boolean, long[], long[], long, long, Pointer, int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueues a command to read from a 2D or 3D image object to host memory.
- clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects(cl_command_queue, int, cl_mem[], int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Release OpenCL memory objects that have been created from OpenGL objects.
- clEnqueueSVMFree(cl_command_queue, int, Pointer[], SVMFreeFunction, Object, int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueues a command to free the shared virtual memory allocated using clSVMAlloc or a shared system memory pointer.
- clEnqueueSVMMap(cl_command_queue, boolean, long, Pointer, long, int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueues a command that will allow the host to update a region of a SVM buffer.
- clEnqueueSVMMemcpy(cl_command_queue, boolean, Pointer, Pointer, long, int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueues a command to do a memcpy operation.
- clEnqueueSVMMemFill(cl_command_queue, Pointer, Pointer, long, long, int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueues a command to fill a region in memory with a pattern of a given pattern size.
- clEnqueueSVMUnmap(cl_command_queue, Pointer, int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueues a command to indicate that the host has completed
updating the region given by
and which was specified in a
previous call to clEnqueueSVMMap.
- clEnqueueTask(cl_command_queue, cl_kernel, int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
- clEnqueueUnmapMemObject(cl_command_queue, cl_mem, ByteBuffer, int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueues a command to unmap a previously mapped region of a memory object.
- clEnqueueWaitForEvents(cl_command_queue, int, cl_event[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
- clEnqueueWriteBuffer(cl_command_queue, cl_mem, boolean, long, long, Pointer, int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueue commands to write to a buffer object from host memory.
- clEnqueueWriteBufferRect(cl_command_queue, cl_mem, boolean, long[], long[], long[], long, long, long, long, Pointer, int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueue commands to write a rectangular region to a buffer object from host memory.
- clEnqueueWriteImage(cl_command_queue, cl_mem, boolean, long[], long[], long, long, Pointer, int, cl_event[], cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Enqueues a command to write to a 2D or 3D image object from host memory.
- CLException - Exception in org.jocl
An exception that may be thrown due to a OpenCL error.
- CLException(String) - Constructor for exception org.jocl.CLException
Creates a new CLException with the given error message.
- CLException(String, int) - Constructor for exception org.jocl.CLException
Creates a new CLException with the given error message.
- CLException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.jocl.CLException
Creates a new CLException with the given error message.
- CLException(String, Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception org.jocl.CLException
Creates a new CLException with the given error message.
- clFinish(cl_command_queue) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Blocks until all previously queued OpenCL commands in a command-queue are issued to the associated device and have completed.
- clFlush(cl_command_queue) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Issues all previously queued OpenCL commands in a command-queue to the device associated with the command-queue.
- clGetCommandQueueInfo(cl_command_queue, int, long, Pointer, long[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Query information about a command-queue.
- clGetContextInfo(cl_context, int, long, Pointer, long[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Query information about a context.
- clGetDeviceIDs(cl_platform_id, long, int, cl_device_id[], int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Obtain the list of devices available on a platform.
- clGetDeviceInfo(cl_device_id, int, long, Pointer, long[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Get information about an OpenCL device.
- clGetEventInfo(cl_event, int, long, Pointer, long[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Returns information about the event object.
- clGetEventProfilingInfo(cl_event, int, long, Pointer, long[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Returns profiling information for the command associated with event if profiling is enabled.
- clGetGLObjectInfo(cl_mem, int[], int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Query an OpenGL memory object used to create an OpenCL memory object.
- clGetGLTextureInfo(cl_mem, int, long, Pointer, long[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Returns additional information about the GL texture object associated with a memory object.
- clGetImageInfo(cl_mem, int, long, Pointer, long[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Get information specific to an image object.
- clGetKernelArgInfo(cl_kernel, int, int, long, Pointer, long[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Returns information about the arguments of a kernel.
- clGetKernelInfo(cl_kernel, int, long, Pointer, long[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Returns information about the kernel object.
- clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(cl_kernel, cl_device_id, int, long, Pointer, long[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Returns information about the kernel object that may be specific to a device.
- clGetMemObjectInfo(cl_mem, int, long, Pointer, long[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Used to get information that is common to all memory objects (buffer and image objects).
- clGetPipeInfo(cl_mem, int, long, Pointer, long[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Get information specific to a pipe object created with clCreatePipe.
- clGetPlatformIDs(int, cl_platform_id[], int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Obtain the list of platforms available.
- clGetPlatformInfo(cl_platform_id, int, long, Pointer, long[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Get specific information about the OpenCL platform.
- clGetProgramBuildInfo(cl_program, cl_device_id, int, long, Pointer, long[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Returns build information for each device in the program object.
- clGetProgramInfo(cl_program, int, long, Pointer, long[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Returns information about the program object.
- clGetSamplerInfo(cl_sampler, int, long, Pointer, long[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Returns information about the sampler object.
- clGetSupportedImageFormats(cl_context, long, int, int, cl_image_format[], int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Get the list of image formats supported by an OpenCL implementation.
- clLinkProgram(cl_context, int, cl_device_id[], String, int, cl_program[], BuildProgramFunction, Object, int[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Links a set of compiled program objects and libraries for all the devices or a specific device(s) in
the OpenCL context and creates an executable.
- clReleaseCommandQueue(cl_command_queue) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Decrements the command_queue
reference count.
- clReleaseContext(cl_context) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Decrement the context reference count.
- clReleaseDevice(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Decrements the device
reference count.
- clReleaseEvent(cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Decrements the event
reference count.
- clReleaseKernel(cl_kernel) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Decrements the kernel reference count.
- clReleaseMemObject(cl_mem) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Decrements the memory object reference count.
- clReleaseProgram(cl_program) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Decrements the program
reference count.
- clReleaseSampler(cl_sampler) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Decrements the sampler reference count.
- clRetainCommandQueue(cl_command_queue) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Increments the command_queue
reference count.
- clRetainContext(cl_context) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Increment the context reference count.
- clRetainDevice(cl_device_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Increments the devices
reference count.
- clRetainEvent(cl_event) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Increments the event
reference count.
- clRetainKernel(cl_kernel) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Increments the kernel object reference count.
- clRetainMemObject(cl_mem) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Increments the memory object reference count.
- clRetainProgram(cl_program) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Increments the program
reference count.
- clRetainSampler(cl_sampler) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Increments the sampler reference count.
- clSetCommandQueueProperty(cl_command_queue, long, boolean, long[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
- clSetEventCallback(cl_event, int, EventCallbackFunction, Object) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Registers a user callback function for a specific command execution status.
- clSetKernelArg(cl_kernel, int, long, Pointer) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Used to set the argument value for a specific argument of a kernel.
- clSetKernelArgSVMPointer(cl_kernel, int, Pointer) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Used to set a SVM pointer as the argument value for a specific argument of a kernel.
- clSetKernelExecInfo(cl_kernel, int, long, Pointer) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Used to pass additional information other than argument values to a kernel.
- clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback(cl_mem, MemObjectDestructorCallbackFunction, Object) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Registers a user callback function that will be called when the memory object is
deleted and its resources freed.
- clSetPrintfCallback(cl_context, PrintfCallbackFunction, Object) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
- clSetUserEventStatus(cl_event, int) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Sets the execution status of a user event object.
- clSVMAlloc(cl_context, long, long, int) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Allocates a shared virtual memory (SVM) buffer that can be shared by the host and all devices in an OpenCL context that support shared virtual memory.
- clSVMFree(cl_context, Pointer) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Frees a shared virtual memory buffer allocated using clSVMAlloc.
- clUnloadCompiler() - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
- clUnloadPlatformCompiler(cl_platform_id) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Allows the implementation to release the resources allocated by the OpenCL compiler for <>platform.
- clWaitForEvents(int, cl_event[]) - Static method in class org.jocl.CL
Waits on the host thread for commands identified by event objects to complete.
- CreateContextFunction - Interface in org.jocl