- function(cl_program, Object) - Method in interface org.jocl.BuildProgramFunction
The function that will be called.
- function(String, Pointer, long, Object) - Method in interface org.jocl.CreateContextFunction
The function that will be called.
- function(Object) - Method in interface org.jocl.EnqueueNativeKernelFunction
The function that will be called
- function(cl_event, int, Object) - Method in interface org.jocl.EventCallbackFunction
The function that will be called
- function(cl_mem, Object) - Method in interface org.jocl.MemObjectDestructorCallbackFunction
The function that will be called
- function(cl_context, int, String, Object) - Method in interface org.jocl.PrintfCallbackFunction
The function that will be called
- function(cl_command_queue, int, Pointer[], Object) - Method in interface org.jocl.SVMFreeFunction
The function that will be called